About Us

Authors: Bassel T. Daher & Dr. Rabi H. Mohtar
Under the supervision of Dr. Rabi H. Mohtar, Bassel T. Daher developed the WEF Nexus tool during pursuing his MSE degree at Purdue University.
The interface was later created at Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute and the first tool version was launched October 2013 and was
publically available on the QEERI website.
The first tool version was accessed by users from more than 20 countries, coming from more than 50 institutions and governmental agencies worldwide. As a result of the feedback we got from users through surveys and direct communication, we are now introducing a new modified and more user friendly version of the WEF Nexus Tool with additional features.
Special thanks to Qatar National Food Security Program (QNFSP) for providing necessary data for the Qatar case study. This is a beta version of the tool.